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Search Results

There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "corrosion".

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2

1. Spring reminder: Tips for preventing salt corrosion

Installing awnings in areas where salt laden air is present requires extra care on the part of the owner. Salt air is extremely corrosive on all objects, including non-ferrous metals like aluminum and stainless steel.

Tags: retractable, awning, salt, corrosion, maintenance, care
Christine Crockett Grindle
2. Technical Bulletin: The dangers of salt corrosion

Awnings exposed to salt air must be treated with the same care as would be given to a boat or other metal equipment in order to prevent accelerated salt environment corrosion of the fasteners and finish.

Tags: retractable, awning, salt, corrosion, maintenance, care

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2


Fixed Awnings

Fabric Awnings

Aluminum Awnings

Get In Touch:

NuImage Awnings
A Futureguard Company
101 Merrow Road
P.O. Box 2030
Auburn, ME 04211-2030


P: 1-800-901-3313

F: 1-800-901-4414